Epworth Education Trust


Our Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance.

Members are responsible for determining the governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association. The Articles of Association, as agreed with the Department for Education, set out the details for our internal management, decision making and running of the Trust. The Members also appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles.

The Trustees are responsible for the general control, administration and management of the Trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and articles of association. The Board of Trustees is the accountable body for the performance of all schools within the Trust.

Trustees focus on three core functions of governance:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of Epworth Education schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance

Our Trustees meet as a board six times a year. Delegated authority is given to the committees below, through the scheme of delegation, as well as the Local Governing Boards for each school.

All Members, Trustees and Governors complete an annual declaration of Business Interests and declare any pecuniary interests within meetings.

Local Governing Bodies

Every school has a Local Advisory Board. They are at the heart of our governance structure. The governors within the Local advisory board serve as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community as they contextualise the Trust’s vision and values appropriately to their own schools and community. They monitor the performance of the school as well as the experience, wellbeing and safety of students, staff and the environment in which they work, advising the Trustees of any concerns.

Please see the Local Advisory Board page on the schools' website for further information, these can be accessed via the links below to see all LAB information and attendance records:

Meet the Board

The Board of Trustees assume full responsibility for the strategic direction of the Multi Academy Trust. The Trustees will be accountable for the entire business operation of the Trust. The Trust will take responsibility for the financial and resource management of the schools so they can concentrate on the education of its pupils.

The strategic direction of each school will be set through the Local Advisory Board to whom the Trustees have delegated responsibility. Although the Board holds overall responsibility and control it is important that each school can self-govern through the Local Advisory Board. This self-governance will look different within each school dependent on their journey and the individual challenges of the school. It will include holding the school to account for standards, curriculum and pastoral care. It will be strategic in the development of the school improvement plan and holding the school to account for it. This will be set out in the scheme of delegation which may vary from school to school.

Our Chair of Trustees is Rev Stuart Ellis who can be contacted c/o Epworth Education Trust, Westleigh Lane, Leigh, WN7 5NJ.


Members (ID 1146)

  • Rev Stuart Ellis
    Chair of Board of Trustees
  • Rev Dr Jonathan Hustler
  • Rev Roger Walton


Trustees (ID 1147)

  • Rev Stuart Ellis
    Chair of Board of Trustees
  • Mr Luke Cowell
  • Mr David Harrison
  • Mr James Lockwood
  • Mr Kevin Meredith
  • Mr Steve Myers
  • Mr David Clayton
  • Mrs Charlotte Taylor
  • Alison Mitchell


Scope of Responsibility & Remit

The Trustee Board is accountable in law for all major decisions about our academies. However, this does not mean that the Board is required to carry out all the Trust’s governance functions and many are delegated, including, for example, to the CEO, to the committees and to school leaders.

It is vital that the decision to delegate a function is made by the full Board of Trustees and is recorded. Without such delegation, the individual or committee has no power to act.

The scheme of delegation (SoD) is the key document defining the lines of responsibility and accountability in the Trust. It aims to be a simple, yet systematic way, of ensuring that the Members, Trustees, Board committee(s), senior Trust leadership and Academy Head Teachers are all clear about their roles and responsibilities. This overarching SoD for all decision making in the Trust should not be confused with the written scheme of delegation of financial powers referred to in the Academies Financial Handbook.

Governance Documents