Epworth Education Trust

Fundraising for Edukid

Our Trust has a longstanding relationship with Edukid, a charity that works to remove barriers to education faced by children living in poverty and conflict. This term, our family of schools has been working to develop fun initiatives to raise money for this important cause.

This term, Wesley Methodist Primary School held their third annual Wesley Warriors event to raise money for EDUKID. The school sponsors two children from Uganda and are supporting them through their education to improve their life chances. Rhys Jones, Headteacher at Wesley, said: “This is a five‑year pledge, of which we are three years into. We have developed our curriculum so that the children have a deep knowledge and understanding of Uganda and the challenges faced by the children who live there. We had over 100 children take part in this event over the morning which had a range of obstacles, a slip and slide and ending with powder paint! It was an amazing experience and our children raised just under £800 which is absolutely incredible!”

Wheatley Lane Methodist Primary School choir held an amazing concert to raise funds for Edukid. Their repertoire ranged from The Wellerman to Amazing Grace and the quality of singing was exceptional. A brilliant concert for an excellent cause!

Every year, Summerseat Methodist Primary School holds a staff and pupil-sponsored event for Edukid. Last year featured a pupil rainbow run and staff run to Uganda. This year, the events were the Bolton 10km and the Summerseat Dance-a-thon! The children danced nonstop from their assembly launch at 9:15am until 3:00pm, when their parents joined for the final dance. Huge congratulations to all the children and staff for dancing all day and raising funds for such an important cause.

A big shout out to Coach Natalie, who works with the school every Friday, for supporting the children to develop their dance skills, and teaching parents and children moves for ‘Shut Up and Dance with Me!’ Additionally, Mrs Whittaker completed the Bolton 10km run along with a colleague at Wesley to raise more funds for Edukid. Summerseat is already planning their events for next year!

Fundraising for Edukid